Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Your Ability To Use Your Short Term Memory When Emotions

Your Ability to Use Your Short Term Memory When Emotions Cloud Judgement: Short Term Memory and Emotions When using short term memory a topic or a picture can be forgotten within minutes. Then when an event that causes a positive or negative emotion occurs that creates dissonance. Short term memory recall can be important in some situations that are out of our control. When piecing together what the best emption to have when trying to recall information from our short term memory. The memory according to the multistore model of memory suggest that the memory consist of the three stores: a sensory register, short term memory and long term memory. Memory passes through each of those†¦show more content†¦Long term memory is defined like it sounds long term memory is intended for long term storage of information over a long term period of time. Despite short term memory, long term memory seems to decline very little in as time goes on. Your long term memory can store an unlimited amount of information for an unlimited amount of time (Mastin,2010). Long term memory has three different memories the procedural memory, semantic, and the episodic memory (McLeod,2010). The procedural memory is the part of the long term memory where we remember how to do things. The semantic memory is in charge of store information about the world and finally the episodic memory store memories about an event. Short term memory can have relationships with negative and positive emotions. Based on the study by Philipp Spachtholz; working memory can be affected by emotions. Emotions can be defined using a variety of components such as physiologically and cognitively. Physiologically, speaking emotions originate in the amygdala; which is located in the limbic system. The limbic system is in the brain which is enables the brain to learn, house memories and have emotions. The amygdala is almond shaped structure that helps trigger the physiological reactions that is associated with emotions (Cherry, 2016). The amygdala is also in charge of imprinting emotions onto each memory. This occurs by releasing the same neurochemicals that have been produced whenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Memory Project1498 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Memory Project: Application to Learning Study Habits Memory is the capability to learn, retain, store and remember information from previous experiences. Memories are accumulated from prior experiences and recollected, which can influence change of behavior or thought. This ability can assist with learning and adapting to new experiences. Memory is essential to our lives. Without a memory of the past we cannot operate in the present or think about the future. 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